Study Environmental Science and Forestry admin 2020-07-17 Forestry, Research, Science Who deals with these issues? Who informs decision makers about the impact of human actions on the environment? Who can suggest ways of protecting our environment from practices that threaten or damage our eco...
What is a cichlid? admin 2020-06-27 Research, Zoology A cichlid (pronounced SICK-lid) is any freshwater or brackish water fish that is a member of the family Cichlidae (pronounced SICK-lid-day). To be more precise, a cichlid is a fish which has (1) a sing...
Myths about Dog Neutering admin 2020-04-01 Research, Science Myths The tradition of spaying and neutering pets exists because it keeps them healthier and reduces the risk of unwanted reproduction. Some also claim that behavioral problems can be solved through neutering. Othe...
Comet Hale-Bopp observation reports: admin 2020-03-23 Health, Research, Science From today's journal entry, the 30th through 34th day's observation since December 26 when Comet Hale-Bopp was recovered in the pre-dawn sky. It will become circumpolar at this site on March 11 and remain so ...
New Features of SIMATIC WinCC Flexible 2005 SP1 – HMI Software: admin 2020-02-28 News, Research, Technology Real-time Capability for time-critical Inputs through PROFINET IO Remote field devices (I/O devices such as signal modules but also HMI operator devices) can be integrated directly or via so-called IO ...
Calls to recover treatment costs for mesothelioma sufferers admin 2020-01-15 Health, Research Recent calls for changes to how industrial disease claims are funded could have wider implications for both sufferers, and the businesses responsible for exposing them to harmful substances. Revisions ...